The Motivation for the Website

Written on

By SadPumpkin

as some of you might know, i used to post on Cohost, a soon-to-be former social media site as of this writing. Even though this website was created shortly after Cohost's closure announcement, that isn't the reason why i create this site. The reality is that i always wanted to create my own website. Cohost closing down merely became the catalyst that got the ball rolling (a really effective one at that).

the idea to make a personal website formed some time ago when i took a beginner course on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. i don't think i have ever felt satisfied posting on social media. To me, it always felt like i'm always a little stranger renting in another stranger's place when using social media, does that make sense? i always like the idea of putting together a place that i can comfortably call my own. This provided the motivation for making a website.

However, i was stuck for a few reasons, namely:

thus, this idea was on the backburner for a long time.

over the years, web technologies have evolved in such a way that putting up a website is significantly less tedious than before. Furthermore, i become a little more open, enough that i am okay with putting my thoughts out there (sort of, only on non-serious topics). Combining with the aforementioned Cohost's closure, the result is this site.

the original idea for my website still persists: a place to share the things that i made over the years, and hopefully many years going forward. This is also a great learning experience with using HTML+CSS+JavaScript. i will try to keep the site viewable even without JavaScript.

i hope that you can enjoy what little things that i share around here. That's all i ask for. i don't have a lot of free time these days, so things are going to be slow. However, i rather take it slow than to lose the flame that i have for the site.

that's it for this time around. See ya around some time!